Physical activity is incredibly important for long term health, especially during the school day, where children can be sat down for long periods of time. The scientific literature (Cappelan et al., 2017), has demonstrated that children achieve higher academically, if they are regularly engaged in physical activity. As pupils spend approximately 20% of their school day on the playground, lunchtime provides the perfect opportunity for children to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, half of the recommended daily exposure (UK government, 2021).

Our team of highly experienced coaches, support a large number of school staff each week (over 40 hours), by delivering a range of creative movement games and varied sports creating a safe, thriving, fun environment for pupils to fully get the most out of their break time.

We pride ourselves on developing great personal relationships with the children, no matter how physically active they are. By increasing structured activity on the playground, our active lunchtime programme has demonstrated a reduction in the amount of incidents, accidents and behavioural issues that lunchtime supervisors are often left to resolve.

“Research shows lunch and break times make valuable contributions on social, emotional, mental and physical development of children and young people”

Sport Specific Clubs

Active Lunchtimes